Grimmtastic Girls Quiz

It’s quiz time again! (although it is technically 4:49 PM). last time it was a  which goddess girl are you quiz?

Now it’s time for a Grimmtastic girls quiz! Are you Cinda, Red, Snow, or Rapunzel. I will make one for the other four girls later. Lets get on with the quiz!

which color do you like best? (out of the four)

a. pink

b. red

c. turquoise

d. black

what would you be most likely to collect?

a. sports stuff

b. I have no idea

c. lucky charms

d. hair accessories

what would you like as a magic charm?

a. shoes

b. bag/purse

c. tiara

d. hair barrette

what interests you most out of these activities?

a. sports

b. acting

c. sewing

d. anything involving animals!

which one of these do you fear most?

a. being humiliated

b. preforming onstage

c. mirrors

d. heights

which one of these grimm academy classes sounds most intriguing?

a. sieges, catapult, and jousts

b. scrying (seeing the future with reflective objects, such as crystal balls and mirrors)

c. threads (sewing, knitting, crochet, needlepoint, embroidery etc.)

d. bespellings and enchantments

which tower task would suit you best?

a. hearthkeeper

b. snackmaker

c. tidy-upper

d. gatherer

which ball gown would you wear?

a. white with puffed sleeves, a heart-shaped neckline edged with pearls, a long, full skirt covered with a layer of glittery gauze and a wide pink satin ribbon at the waist

b. red satin with a velvet bow at the waist and velvet sleeves

c. pale blue with a wide skirt, elbow length sleeves and lots of glitter.

d. black with sleeves that go down to your wrists, a scoop neck, sparkles along the neckline, and a narrow skirt with a slit up to one knee


If you have mostly a’s: you are Cinda! you strike a perfect balance between girly and sporty. you are sweet and fun.

If you have mostly b’s: you are Red! you love drama. you are constantly entertaining. you love to bake and are super friendly

If you have mostly c’s: you are snow! you love fashion and sewing. you also love, love, love glitter. you are a bit shy but a loyal friend

If you have mostly d’s: you are Rapunzel! you are a quiet, animal loving girl. you aren’t afraid to be different. you love playing with different hairstyles




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