goddess girls fan theory: Persephone’s father?

hi! today I am sharing a theory I had, of course my theory is related to goddess girls. so, I  have a theory about who Persephone’s father. I was trying to finish this post earlier but I was busy watching Nailed It on Netflix. yeah, guilty as charged. okay, lets get back to the subject.

now I’m sure instead of listening, or reading, me ramble on, you want me to go ahead and tell you who on earth ,uh, make that MOA, Persephone’s father is. drumroll please…. Zeus!


so, was that who you were expecting? The king of gods and principal of MOA? am I sounding like Pandora here? if you need my proof I will tell you.

Number one, Persephone has red hair. her mom has blonde hair. I can only think of one adult with red hair, Zeus. Persephone could have gotten her red hair from him.


Number two. in Persephone the phony, it appears Demeter (Persephone’s mom) is in love with Zeus. is it possible that they were married then got divorced but Demeter still loves Zeus.

Number three, Zeus is notoriously bad at names. he either can’t remember students’ names, or guesses something way off (like ibis instead of Iris, for your information an ibis is a bird). somehow he miraculously remembers Persephone’s name. is it because she’s his daughter?

And wouldn’t that make metis her stepmother or something?

what about Hera, this would mean Hera’s her stepmother or something of the sort


this would make Athena her half sister


and little Hebe her step something.

phew, that got confusing.



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