Aphrodite the Diva! goddess girls

Hey everyone! the other day I got a new goddess girl book. Aphrodite the Diva! I just finished it, it is definitely one of my favorites. this is a great book, if you are a goddess girls fan you must read it. if you are new to goddess girls, but have read some of them,… Continue reading Aphrodite the Diva! goddess girls

decorating your room πŸ˜ŠπŸ›πŸ›‹πŸšͺ

how to decorate your room can be a hard decision. it took me forever ( okay, It took almost a month deciding) so now I’m here to make your decision easier. let’s get started! tips for deciding how to decorate try themingΒ  your room using something that inspires you. but there may not be something… Continue reading decorating your room πŸ˜ŠπŸ›πŸ›‹πŸšͺ